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#writingtask1 IELTS task 1 does have other kinds of question | Englishgram Groups Channel


IELTS task 1 does have other kinds of questions, including maps, process diagrams and comparing two different charts. These require a different approach and I will write about these in the future.

You also need to ask yourself if it is a static or dynamic chart. A static chart shows data from one time period. A dynamic chart shows change over time. These will obviously require different tenses.

3-What IELTS Examiners Expect

The key to the speaking and writing tests is to know exactly what the examiners want and give it to them.

On the IELTS writing test you will be assessed on four things:

Task Achievement
Coherence and Cohesion
Lexical Resource
Grammatical Range and Accuracy

For more information see HERE » #MarkingCriteria

Task Achievement

This requires the students to accurately reflect the relevant information in the graph. If you gave your answer to a stranger, would they be able to accurately reproduce the graph? If they could, then you have fulfilled this task.

Coherence and Cohesion

This part of the marking criteria judges students’ ability to produce an answer that is clear, fluent and easy to understand. Structure, appropriate vocabulary and good grammar help to boost your score here. Good paragraphing and appropriate use of cohesive devices can also be used to gain a higher score.

Lexical Resource

This section is all about vocabulary and is often the most misunderstood. It is NOT about inserting as many long words as you can think of. It is about choosing relevant, appropriate and accurate words. You will help your score here by using a variety of vocabulary and not simply copying the words in the question.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Obviously, you have to produce grammatically accurate sentences to do well in this section, but it is also about using the appropriate structures. You are expected to use different structures for describing numbers, trends and making comparisons. The most common grammar mistake students make in IELTS task 1 is not using articles and plurals properly.

If at least 50% of your sentences are not grammatically correct it is hard to score over a band 7.