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#VocabularyTime Vocabulary for Business in Collocations in U | ENGLISH WITH MR. DANIEL| LEADERS FOR TOMORROW|


Vocabulary for Business in Collocations in Use

Go into Business: start doing business
E: I went into Business two years ago.

Set up business: start business.
E: I set up a small business selling office equipment in 2019.

Go into partnership with smb: cooperate with someone
E: Initially, I went into partnership with one of my classmates.

Make a loss: lose money
E: We made a loss for the first two years

Make a profit: increase an income
E: we have made a profit since the year.

Go bankrupt: fail financially
E: All around us, the small companies went bankrupt in the year.

Stiff competition: difficult competition
E: we won a contract despite of stiff competition

Annual turnover: amount of business a company does in a year.
E: we had an annual turnover of more than 100 million sums.

Float the company: start selling shares in a company
E: We decided to float the company on the stock market

Cut-throat competition: very severe competition
E: there is a cut-throat competition in music industry these days.

go out of business: to stop business
E: our local bakery has gone out of business because most people buy bread at supermarket these days.

Strike a deal with smb: make arrangements with someone
E: we struck a deal with the vendor of the house and got 15% discount on the price

Put in a bid: an offer to pay a particular price for something.
E: our company have put in a bid for the new recreational centre contract