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The New Revolution is HERE Did you know, if you are born poo | INFO HUB

The New Revolution is HERE

Did you know, if you are born poor, it's not your fault, but if you remain poor, it's your fault?

If you are interested to know how you could start your own telecom business, or getting paid for ALL your Airtime recharges; Data, cable TV and electricity bill subscriptions, I advice you attend this business briefing

I'll be showing you, how you could start making money from the following:

Airtime recharges
Data subscriptions
Cable TV subscriptions
Electricity bills payment

DATE: Sunday 1st, August

TIME: 7pm (West Africa Time)

VENUE: https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8I2eHujk6J4eSPlK6PgXb

Don't Miss It!