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Both factions are being led to slaughter. Some of us are aware | COVID-LIE EXEMPTIONS

Both factions are being led to slaughter. Some of us are aware of this and try to stop it, meaning us and a couple of other channels out there, but not many.

Others know and do nothing, but most don't know or don't care enough to expand their thinking. Millions are perfectly content to watch television and download all the fake covid bullshit. Millions more are content with watching their phones and downloading a different opinion from a grifter. Some "do their own research" consisting of watching YouTube videos full of redundant and useless information. Some have been pushed to the point of complete paranoia and are convinced that their toasters and microwaves are listening to them. Some are becoming increasingly angry and by that emotion alone, are setting the stage for a false flag terrorist attack, most likely staged by the feds. Some spend their time trying to "wake people up" online, which is a pleasant catch phrase, but does virtually nothing, considering that if they're not on Facebook or Twitter then it is an echo chamber. Some pick no side whatsoever and do as they're told, keeping their opinions to themselves, as they ride off into a sunset of mediocrity. Some go to "rallies" which do nothing, have done nothing, and will never do anything to change the status quo. All it will do is help the msm paint us as terrorists. Some decide that they can profit off of a growing discomfort in the world, and do so through blatant lies and careful distortion of the truth. Some follow the people I just mentioned so strongly, that they're essentially in a cult, and their "donations" are much closer to tithing being paid to a cult leader.

Strangely enough, all the people in the above paragraph have a few things in common.

They filter through msm and "truther" articles until they get something that fits their narrative.

They are stuck in the endless chain of forwarding messages, a sign of addiction to redundancy.

Their actions do next to nothing to better the world. The owners of this country don't care how you feel, they care that you comply, and most do.

Change is not in the forefront of their mind. They've gotten comfortable with the actions of crooked governments and are at peace with genocide, famine, and pestilence, so long as their emotional needs are met, online.

Knowingly or unknowingly, they march to their deaths, willingly. Perhaps they're comfortable with that, or perhaps they think they will be martyrs. They will simply be statistics in forgotten history books read by the college students of the future.

They feel justified in their actions because it supports "the movement" even though they don't "move". They sit at home doing what I explained up top.

No one will remember their names.