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May 9th is Mother's Day in Canada and the U.S. Let us not forg | Family Matters

May 9th is Mother's Day in Canada and the U.S. Let us not forget to honour our heavenly mother also.
O Sanctissima is lovely hymn to sing to Our Lady. One of my favorites in fact. There are different versions with different lyrics. Here is one.


O sanctissima, o piissima
dulcis Virgo Maria!
Mater amata, intemerata,
ora, ora pro nobis.

Tu solatium et refugium,
Virgo Mater Maria.
Quidquid optamus, per te speramus,
ora, ora pro nobis.

Ecce debiles, perquam flebiles,
salva nos, o Maria!
Tolle languores, sana dolores,
ora, ora pro nobis.

Virgo, respice, Mater, aspice,
audi nos, o Maria!
Tu medicinam portas divinam,
ora, ora pro nobis.

English Translation

O most holy, O most loving,
sweet Virgin Mary.
Beloved Mother, undefiled,
pray, pray for us.

You are solace and refuge,
Virgin, Mother Mary.
Whatever we wish, we hope it through you.
Pray, pray for us.

Look, We are weak and deeply deplorable,
save us, O Mary!
Take away our lassitude, heal our pains,
pray, pray for us.

Virgin, look at us, Mother, care for us,
hear us, O Mary!
You bring divine medicine.
Pray, pray for us.