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This is a message from a fellow Feds 4 Med Freedom member in D | Feds 4 Med Freedom

This is a message from a fellow Feds 4 Med Freedom member in DOD:

"I would like everyone that is refusing to get the jab to please use my story as inspiration for your continued fight.

I was of the opinion that I would never submit to injecting myself with an unsafe and unproven vaccine that our government has mandated us to receive. I did look at it in another light in where I decided to undergo health screenings in order to get a good health baseline should I relent and receive the jab. All tests provided results that I was never in doubt of that I am perfectly healthy, no heart issues, no blood clots, no clogged arteries and no heart damage so my health has not been compromised in any way that would’ve been identified throughout all of my examinations and blood work.

On November 8, the deadline for the vaccine, I finally relented to get the jab. As of 10:30, 8 November 2021, I am now vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.

24 hours after the injection, I started getting signs of a migraine and I also noticed that my blood pressure was elevated. By the evening on the next day, my symptoms had worsened to a full blown migraine, nausea, blurred vision and BP of 180/109. I ended up not going to the ER that night because I had another health test scheduled for the following morning. Wednesday, I arrived at my appointment at 10:30 where they checked my BP and immediately suggested that I go and get this checked out at the hospital. I immediately drove myself to the emergency room and told them what was going on and at that point, I was experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. They brought me back to Triage where they checked my BP again, this time it was 195/111 which prompted them to get me to a room and administer Nitroglycerin. I was admitted to the hospital but spent all of my time in the ER and overflow area for 3 days. A heart stress test was ordered along with an echocardiogram and CT scan of my lungs for blood clots. So, my perfect health record that I’ve had forever and had just verified had now changed to me having blood clots and Congestive Heart Failure. I submitted all of my into to VAERS and will initiate at CA-1 through my employer for on the job injury. My battle is just beginning and I’m not exactly sure yet how this will all play out but I just wanted to tell everyone to stand strong and if you want to use my story for the record, please do so. Good luck everyone and stand strong."