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URGENT GLOBAL STRIKE Internal announcement please read ever | FFF MAPA Updates


Internal announcement please read everything carefully

It's official: a series of strikes will be conducted in the next weeks starting on Thursday March 3rd!

Ukraine NEEDS your support.
Fridays For Future Ukraine is calling out all local groups to take to the streets all over the globe. The Russian military has invaded Ukraine and is repeatedly attacking and taking over Ukrainian territories.
Military invasion is an evident violation of human rights, especially in the face of climate and pandemic crises. We are uniting to highlight the need for urgent and clear action in support of Ukraine.
Fossil fuel capitalism is one of the roots of this war and many others conflicts and crises around the world.
That's why, during the next few weeks, we also want to call out the era of fossil fuel, capitalism and imperialism that allows these systemic oppressions. We demand a world where leaders prioritize #PeopleNotProfit .
Demonstrate your support and solidarity, #StandWithUkraine!

The narrative will be released later today as well as our call to action! Until there, start organising your local/national group strike.

If you don't have capacity to organise a local strike until Thursday, please join our digital strike. We will send more information about this soon!

if you have any questions feel free to contact @luisa_santi (+55 11 94301-4176)