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Banana Pie Ingredients: For the dough: • flour - 200g • eg | Food Porn

Banana Pie


For the dough:
• flour - 200g
• egg - 1 unit
• sugar - 1 tbsp.
• baking powder - 1 tsp.
• butter - 100g
For the filling:
• sour cream - 200g
• egg - 1 unit
• flour - 2 tbsp.
• sugar - 100g
• banana - 2 pcs.


1. Whisk sugar with egg.
2. Add baking powder and softened butter.
3. Add flour and mix well.
4. Cut bananas into rings.
5. Prepare the filling: beat egg with sugar, sour cream and flour.
6. Spread the dough on the bottom of a buttered mold, forming edges.
Place the banana slices on the dough.
Pour the egg and sour cream mixture.
7. Bake in the oven heated up to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.