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Job Title: modeling for tiktok Job Type: Remote Job Sector: | Afriwork (Freelance Ethiopia)

Job Title: modeling for tiktok

Job Type: Remote

Job Sector: #Media_and_communication

Work Location: Addis Ababa

Experience Level: Entry level

Vacancies: 1

Applicants Needed: Female

Salary/Compensation: 4500 ETB Monthly

Deadline: 7/8/2023

We are women’s wear boutique
As a TikTok Manager, you will be responsible for managing and optimizing TikTok accounts for our organization or clients. You should have a deep understanding of the TikTok platform, its algorithm, and the latest trends in order to strategize and create engaging content that will resonate with our target audience. Your role will include planning, implementing, and monitoring TikTok marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, engagement, and follower growth.


1. TikTok Account Management:
- Create and maintain TikTok accounts for our organization or clients.
- Develop and implement an effective content strategy to achieve marketing objectives.
- Regularly post high-quality, engaging, and trend-driven content on TikTok.
- Monitor and respond to comments, messages, and user interactions on TikTok.

2. Content Creation:
- Stay updated with the latest trends, challenges, and features on TikTok.
- Ideate, script, shoot, and edit creative videos that align with brand guidelines.
- Collaborate with the marketing team to create compelling and shareable content.

3. Social Media Analytics:
- Monitor TikTok analytics to track engagement, follower growth, and campaign performance.
- Analyze data and generate reports on key metrics, such as reach, views, likes, shares, and comments.
- Use insights to optimize content strategy and recommend improvements for better results.

- has smart phone
- willing to start tomorrow
- willing to model on tiktok
- Proven experience on TikTok
- In-depth understanding of the TikTok platform, its algorithm, and features.
- Strong creativity and ability to adapt content to various target audiences.
- Proficiency in video editing software and tools.
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Analytical mindset with the ability to track and interpret data.
- Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines.
- Knowledge of current social media trends and emerging platforms.


[Verified Licensed Startup ]

10 Jobs Posted | Hired 0 times

From: @freelance_ethio | @freelanceethbot

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