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U.S. Air Force to Let Airmen Walk Instead of Run and Choose Wh | G3 News

U.S. Air Force to Let Airmen Walk Instead of Run and Choose What Physical Tests They Want to Do

: On Monday, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, the deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel, and services, previewed some of the changes to the service’s official physical fitness test, including allowing for service members to choose from a “menu” of different test items, with options walking instead of running and letting service members do a form of modified push-ups instead of traditional ones.

While Air Force Chief MSgt. of the Air Force JoAnne Bass said the service will officially announce the changes to the fitness test “soon,” Kelly did provide some previews of the new test features during a Facebook virtual event.

“We all know fitness is important and it’s going to be hear to stay,” Kelly said. “Some people asked, ‘is it going away? the answer is ‘no it is not’ . . . but we think there is an opportunity to give more options.”