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*Psalm 37:16-17*

_A little that a righteous man has Is better than the riches of many wicked. 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, But the LORD upholds the righteous._

The world today is in a serious mess. Right has become wrong and wrong has become right to many. People are using all the wrong means to get what they want, and they seem to be getting their expectations met. It appears those who use corrupt means are the ones who have the material goods of this life.

We all need a minimum amount of material blessings to live in this world till Jesus comes. The world seems to have set the standards about what we should have in this life and we often find ourselves trying to live by them. This makes people continue chasing the world’s goods sometimes at the expense of righteous living.

We quote every scripture in there to prove that we are the ones who should be riding in private jets and not the unbelievers. As much as this looks logical to the human mind, it is often dangerous to our cause. Remember Jesus did not subject Himself to the rich people of His day. He challenged them unto righteousness. Today we want to compete with them. That is not God’s agenda for us. It is not spiritual to think that if we don’t ride in private jets for example, we cannot win people who ride in private jets. What happened to the Spirit of God in us? Remember, we can do all things according through Christ who strengthens us.

We can’t be envious of the people who are called the billionaires of the earth. We should not even want to show our Christianity by the abundance of the things we possess. Simply be the child of God you are.

1. Thank God for continuing to be your Source of sustenance and the Supplier of all you need.
2. Pray that you will learn to be content with what you have at any point even as God adds to it.
3. Father, please let Your peace abide in my heart against the chase for material things.

I declare that I am rich according to God’s riches in Christ Jesus. I am not in competition with anyone about material things. I have what I need always because God provides for me. I will have from God what I need now and in the future. My heart is settled in Christ and I am very satisfied in Him.

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