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I saw an interesting set of questions on a friends channel, I | 🔥🔥GuidoAndEscanor🔥🔥

I saw an interesting set of questions on a friends channel, I understand where he’s going with this...
However, I see things differently.
If we were to ask the same set of questions to two distinct groups.
1- Those who woke up during the Trump/Q timeline.
1- Those who were awake prior

Then the stats would show something quite different.
At this point and time, I see the shift away from Trump being led by those who were awake prior to all this.
See, speaking for myself, I always knew it was all 100% complete BS, left right and Center.
Trump was the anomaly you could say, he gave me hope in the system, hope in the Democratic process, and hope that an outsider or somebody closer to us can be at the helm of the Greatest Country on Earth.
I should have known better, especially considering all
The things I already knew.

This “awakening” has been controlled, never forget this.
If you have been woken up by this pseudo ascension, then your guide (Trump/Q/etc) will never be suspect to you.