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Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Australians. I welcome you wit | 🇦🇺Harrison Mclean

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Australians.
I welcome you with open arms to the World Wide Rally for Freedom 5.0.
We stand united around the World in support of a Free Humanity and a Free Future for our Children.
And We are resolved to repair the damage of this totalitarian overreach against our World.

Our Freedom Movement is growing like never before.
We are building Unity like never before.
We are building Strength like never before.
And We are building Numbers like never before.

An international chorus is building, and getting louder and louder every single day.
A world of people who see through the propaganda, the deceit, and the lies of the Mainstream Media.
A world of people who support Five Fundamental Freedoms.
A world of people who support Freedom of Speech, Movement, Assembly, Choice, and Health.

We Reject Lockdowns.
We Reject Vaccine Mandates.
We Reject Vaccine Passports.
And We Reject International Totalitarian Control by the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

Our Culture of Australian Freedom is reasserting itself over the spectre of complacency and fear.
Our Nation and our World are waking up to the plan to subjugate us under Globalist Tyranny.
Our People are building new bonds of friendship and comradery under the banner of Freedom.
And Our Divides are being overcome in the service of this common mission.

The next chapter of Australian History will be written by us.
The next steps that we take will build the foundations of a Better and Freer Nation.
The next path that we take will determine the destiny of our Children and of their Children.
And the next century of Australian Culture will be imbued with our undying Spirit of Freedom.

The Freedom of Australia is too important to lose.
The Freedom of Australia depends on each and every single one single one of us.
The Freedom of Australia is not ours to give away, it is ours to preserve.
The Freedom of Australia depends on those who are willing to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We will not forget the suffering that we have endured.
We will not forgot those that we have lost to suicide in this Totalitarian Episode.
We will not forget the rubber bullets that were shot at us as we stood for our Human Rights.
And We will Never, Ever, forget the names of the People who did this to us.

We will hold Daniel Andrews Accountable for his Crimes against Humanity.
We will defeat his desperate attempts to pass his Pathetic Permanent Pandemic Bill.
We will remove Daniel Andrews from office and demolish his corrupt and broken Labour Party.
And We will ensure that the Powers he abused are reformed to make sure that this can never happen again.

We will not be deterred from our birthright of Australian Freedom.
We will not be divided by class, or race, or religion, or gender, or creed, or vaccination status.
We will not let Fear or Doubt cloud our judgement.
And We will not let our Government infringe on our Human Rights without a fight.

Our Forefathers gave us this country, built it from the ground up, and made it great.
Our Forefathers are smiling upon us as we continue their mission of building a better world.
Our Forefathers did not give up in the face of adversity.
Our Forefathers died for our Freedom, and the light of their legacy will not be extinguished.

Our Rights do not come from Government.
Our Rights are fundamental, inalienable, and cannot be conditioned by anyone.
Our Rights are our most valuable possession, and we will not sacrifice them for a false sense of security.
And Our Rights must be enshrined into an Australian Bill of Rights by the hands of our generation.

We are going to End the Andrews Regime.
We are going to End the Reign of Medical Apartheid.
We are going to Take back our country from Tyranny with a grassroots avalanche of Freedom Fighters.
And We are going to Make Australia Free Again.

We are Never going to Give Up.
We are Never going to Give In.
We are the Freedom Movement.
And Freedom Always Wins.


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