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How to talk to users (part ) Here is part in case you mi | Per Aspera Ad Astra

How to talk to users (part )

Here is part in case you missed it.

Let's assume you have already built an MVP based on the first 10/20/30 user interviews that you've conducted. You included there ONLY those features that are the most relevant in solving customers' pains. Now the thing that you cannot overestimate is iterating.

The idea is that every now and then (preferrably after launching new features) you have to show your MVP to users (including the ones you have conducted an interview with in the first place) and gather relevant feedback.

There are many ways how to do that - for instance you can create a Slack/Whatsapp/Discord channel where you put interviewees all together and update them on your progress. You are making them a part of "early adopters" community which can make them feel special and motivate to give feedback.

Latest updates, new features, exlusive access, etc. - all this stuff gives people sense of privilege/status and once again motivates them to give constant feedback on your product which is incredibly important on early-stages.

You should repeat this cycle until you find product-market fit:

1. Customer feedback -> 2. Turning feedback into product insights -> 3. Implementation of relevant features -> 4. Test-drive of those features -> 5. Fixing stuff -> 6. Do the cycle again

Important note - ONLY founder/-s should do the job of talking to clients. Noone can replace them. This is a key survivial mechanism of a startup that should not and can not be outsourced.

At a first glance it's a total waste of time and I get why one might think so. Well, it is. Doing such kind of tasks is unscalable process and you can't automate it - you should go one by one gathering feedback. Just keep in mind - it's absolutely okey to do so. Once you find your product-market fit you obviously will automate everything you potentially can in order to scale and grow fast. However, during pre-product-market fit stage it makes sense to do unscalable tasks - ultimatelly that's the only way you can genuinely improve your product in terms of what customers really want.

Do things that don't scale and feel good about it!

Stay lean