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(someone) is endgame Meaning slang In fandom, the idea that | Learn English Idioms Land

(someone) is endgame

slang In fandom, the idea that a particular romantic couple (or potential romantic couple) is meant to be together (and, in the context of a fictional work, that one thinks should be in a relationship when the work ends). The term is usually used by fans who are very invested in the pairing. Often, a portmanteau of the characters' names precedes the verb, which is singular (despite alluding to multiple people).

For example

Although Jackson and April on Grey's Anatomy had a rocky relationship over the years, Japril is still endgame for many fans.

Klaine was always endgame to me, so I'm not surprised they ended up together on Glee.

Really, Daenerys and Jon Snow were endgame for you? I guess I just didn't see it.