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The latest Messages 2

2022-08-23 15:25:38

The Shaykh's response (may Allah have mercy on him) in his original handwriting as can be found here:

464 views12:25
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2022-08-23 15:21:15 As for volumes nine, ten and eleven of Fatḥ al-Bārī, then we have taken them from Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-Kutbī, and they will reach you, in shāʾ Allah, via some of the students. أما النسخ الثلاث من أجزاء فتح الباري التاسع والعاشر والحادي عشر فقد…
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2022-08-23 04:04:55 ʿUrwah b. al-Zubayr reported that ʿĀʿishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: (On an occasion) when I saw that the Prophet ﷺ was in a pleasant mood I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Supplicate to Allah the Mighty and Majestic for me.”
أنا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَبِي بَكْرٍ، نا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مَخْلَدٍ، نا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنْصُورٍ، حَدَّثَنِي هَارُونُ بْنُ مَعْرُوفٍ، نا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، قَالَ: وَقَالَ حَيْوَةُ: أَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو صَخْرٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ قُسَيْطٍ، عَنْ عُرْوَةَ بْنِ الزُّبَيْرِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّهَا قَالَتْ: " لَمَّا رَأَيْتُ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ طِيبَ نَفْسٍ، قُلْتُ: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ادْعُ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ لِي،

He said: “O Allah! Forgive ʿĀʿishah her sins of the past, and the future and [any sins] she has kept hidden and what she has made public.”
فَقَالَ: «اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِعَائِشَةَ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهَا وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ، وَمَا أَسَرَّتْ وَمَا أَعْلَنَتْ».

So ʿĀʿishah laughed until her head fell into the lap (of the Prophet ﷺ) due to her laughter.
فَضَحِكَتْ عَائِشَةُ حَتَّى سَقَطَ رَأْسُهَا فِي حِجْرِهَا مِنَ الضَّحِكِ.

So the Messenger ﷺ asked: “Does my supplication please you?”
قَالَ: فَقَالَ: لَهَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «أَيَسُرُّكِ دُعَائِي»؟

She said: “And why should your supplication not please me?”
قَالَتْ: وَمَا بِي لَا يَسُرُّنِي دُعَاؤُكَ.

So he said: “By Allah! It is my supplication (which I make) for my ummah in every prayer.”
قَالَ: «وَاللَّهِ إِنَّهَا لَدَعْوَتِي لِأُمَّتِي فِي كُلِّ صَلَاةٍ»

Reported by Muslim.
أَخْرَجَهُ مُسْلِمٌ

al-Lālikāʾī, Sharḥ ʾUṣūl Iʿtiqād Ahl ʾl-Sunnah wa ʾl-Jamāʿah 8/1514 #2756
اللالكائي، شرح أصول اعتقاد أهل السنة والجماعة ٨/١٥١٤ #٢٧٥٦

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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2022-08-22 04:47:11 Sincerity toward the scholars is established through various means:
والنصيحة للعلماء تكون بأمورٍ منها:

1. Having love for them. If one does not love a person, he will not take that person as an example.
الأول: محبتهم، لأنك إذا لم تحب أحداً فإنك لن تتأسّى به.

2. Supporting and assisting them in clarifying the truth. This is accomplished by spreading their books through various means of media which are presently available at every time and place.
الثاني: معونتهم ومساعدتهم في بيان الحق، فتنشر كتبهم بالوسائل الإعلامية المتنوعة التي تختلف في كل زمان ومكان.

3. Defending their honour. If something detested was attributed to an esteemed scholar, it is upon the Muslim to follow the following steps:
الثالث: الذبّ عن أعراضهم، بمعنى أن لا تقرّ أحداً على غيبتهم والوقوع في أعراضهم، وإذا نسب إلى أحدٍ من العلماء الربانيين شيء يُستنكر فعليك أن تتخذ هذه المراحل:

First stage: To confirm that the disliked or incorrect issue was actually mentioned by the scholar.
المرحلة الأولى: أن تتثبت من نسبتهِ إليه،

How many lies are attributed to a scholar! Therefore, it is incumbent that one investigates concerning the issue.
فكم من أشياء نسبت إلى عالم وهي كذب، فلابد أن تتأكد،

Once that takes place and it is confirmed, then the person moves on to the second stage.
فإذا تأكدت من نسبة الكلام إليه فانتقل إلى المرحلة الثانية وهي:

One should then contemplate the issue and question himself, is this actually something that should be rebutted or not?
أن تتأمل هل هذا محل انتقاد أم لا؟

It is possible that at first the issue seems to be something that should be rebutted, but after one reflects over the matter, they come to the conclusion that it is actually a true statement.
لأنه قد يبدو للإنسان في أول وهلة أن القول منتقد، وعند التأمل يرى أنه حق،

Therefore, it is compulsory that one contemplates over the issue to conclude whether it is correct or not.
فلابد أن تتأمل حتى تنظر هل هو منتقد أو لا؟

The 3rd stage: If you conclude that the matter is not something which should be rebutted, it then becomes mandatory on you to defend the scholar and spread this defense amongst the people.
المرحلة الثالثة: إذا تبيّن أنه ليس بمنتقد فالواجب أن تذبّ عنه وتنشر هذا بين الناس،

You should clarify to the people that what was mentioned by the scholar is true, even if the people are in opposition to it.
وتبين أن ما قاله هذا العالم فهو حق وإن خالف ما عليه الناس.

The fourth stage: But on the contrary, if you conclude based on your opinion, that the matter attributed to the scholar is a mistake (by way of the scholar),
المرحلة الرابعة: إذا تبين لك حسب رأيك أن ما نسب إلى العالم وصحت نسبته إليه ليس بحق،

It then becomes mandatory upon you to contact him with good manners and humbleness.
فالواجب أن تتصل بهذا العالم بأدب ووقار،

You should say: I have heard that you have said such and such, and I would like for you to explain this issue to me, for indeed you have more knowledge than me.
وتقول: سمعت عنك كذا وكذا، وأحب أن تبين لي وجه ذلك، لأنك أعلم مني،

If he clarifies the issue for you, you then have the right to al-munāqashah (ie: debate him concerning it),
فإذا بيّن لك هذا فلك حق المناقشة،

But this should be done with good manners and reverence for the scholar according to his status and what is suitable with respect to him.
لكن بأدب واحترام وتعظيم له بحسب مكانته وبحسب ما يليق به.

Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn, Sharḥ al-Arbaʿīn al-Nawawī 1/118
ابن عثيمين، شرح الأربعين النووية ١/١١٨

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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2022-08-22 03:49:49 Muʿtamar narrated to us: From Kahmas, who said: “I prayed next to Abū Qilābah , and he would not do anything until after the Imām did so.”

حَدَّثَنَا مُعْتَمِرٌ، عَنْ كَهْمَسٍ، قَالَ: «صَلَّيْتُ إِلَى جَنْبِ أَبِي قِلَابَةَ، فَكَانَ لَا يَصْنَعُ شَيْئًا حَتَّى يَصْنَعَهُ الْإِمَامُ»

Ibn Abī Shaybah, al-Muṣannaf 2/117 #7154
إبن أبي شيبة، مصنف ٢/١١٧ #٧١٥٤

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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2022-08-21 12:27:23 They (ie: Ahl al-Sunnah) view that the prayer, whether it is congregational or any other, should be made behind every Muslim Imām, good or fājir (ie: sinful),
ويرون الصلاة -الجمعة وغيرها- خلف كل إمام مسلم برا كان أو فاجرا،

Because Allah made the congregational prayer obligatory specifically and muṭlaqan (ie: absolutely).
فإن الله عز وجل فرض الجمعة وأمر بإتيانها فرضا مطلقا،

This is even though Allah knew that some of those who establish it will be al-fājir wa ʿl-fāsiq (ie: immoral and sinful),
مع علمه تعالى بأن القائمين يكون منهم الفاجر والفاسق،

And he did not exempt any time or instruct to make another congregation.
ولم يستثن وقتا دون وقت، ولا أمرا بالنداء للجمعة دون أمر.

Abū Bakr al-Ismāʾīlī, Iʿtiqād Aʾimah al-Ḥadīth 1/75
أبو بكر الإسماعيلي، اعتقاد أئمة الحديث ١/٧٥

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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2022-08-20 20:37:56 (The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said): The Hour will not be established until a man passes by a grave, and says: “Woe to me! Would that I were in his place!” He will have no desire to meet Allah, the Mighty and Majestic.
" لا تقوم الساعة حتى يمر الرجل بقبر الرجل، فيقول: يا ليتني مكانه ما به حب لقاء الله عز وجل ".

Reported by Aḥmad on the authority of Abū Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet ﷺ said (the above ḥadīth).
أخرجه أحمد (2/530): حدثنا علي أنبأنا ورقاء عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: فذكره.

I say: The chain is Ṣaḥīḥ upon the condition of Muslim
قلت: وهذا إسناد صحيح على شرط مسلم

And it was reported (as mentioned), and ʿAlī is Ibn Ḥafṣ al-Madīnī Abū ʿl-Ḥasan al-Baġdādī who is thiqqah (ie: reliable).
وقد أخرجه كما يأتي وعلي هذا هو ابن حفص المدائني أبو الحسن البغدادي وهو ثقة.

Muḥammad Nāṣir ʾl-Dīn al-Albānī, Silsilah al-Aḥādīth al-Ṣaḥīḥah 2/121 #578
محمد ناصر الدين الألباني، السلسلة الصحيحة ٢/١٢١ #٥٧٨

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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2022-08-20 12:11:58 Ibn Shihāb relates from Qabīṣah Ibn Ḏūʿayb: A grandmother came to Abū Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) requesting a portion of the inheritance.
فروى بن شهاب عن قبيصة بن ذويب أن الجدة جاءت إلى أبي بكر تلتمس أن تورث

So he said, “You were not given anything in the Book of Allah and I do not know of anything that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ mentioned for you.”
فقال: ما أجد لك في كتاب الله شيئا وما علمت أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ذكر لك شيئا

Then he asked the people.
ثم سأل الناس

So al-Muġīrah stood up and said, “I was present when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ appointed a sixth for the grandmother.”
فقام المغيرة فقال: حضرت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم يعطيها السدس.

So Abū Bakr said to him: “Was there anyone with you?”
فقال له: هل معك أحد؟

So Muḥammad Ibn Maslamah testified that he had heard that as well.
فشهد محمد بن مسلمة بمثل ذلك

So Abū Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) gave it to her.
فأنفذه لها أبو بكر رضي الله عنه.

al-Ḏahabī, Taḏkirah al-Ḥuffādh 1/9
الذهبي، تذكرة الحفاظ ١/٩

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
520 views09:11
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2022-08-20 04:32:16 In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم From ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b.ʿAbd Allah b.Bāz to the honourable, revered brother, the eminent Shaykh, Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī, may Allah grant him success. من عبدالعزيز بن…
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2022-08-19 17:00:12 “He was buried in the clay from which he was created.”
" دفن في الطينة التي خلق منها ".

Reported by Abū Nu’aim in Akhbār Aṣbahān (2/304) and al-Khaṭīb in al-Muwaddah (2/104) from ʿAbd Allah b.ʿĪsá [who said]: Yaḥyá al-Bukāʾ narrated to us from Ibn ʿUmar that an Ethiopian was buried in Madīnah. So the Messenger ﷺ said: [the above ḥadīth].
رواه أبو نعيم في " أخبار أصبهان " (2/304) والخطيب في " الموضح " (2/104) عن عبد الله بن عيسى حدثنا يحيى البكاء عن ابن عمر أن حبشيا دفن بالمدينة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: فذكره.

I [al-Albānī] say: and this chain of narration is ḍaʿīf (ie: weak).
قلت: وهذا إسناد ضعيف،

Yaḥyá al-Bukāʾ, who is Ibn Muslim al-Baṣrī is ḍaʿīf.
يحيى البكاء وهو ابن مسلم البصري ضعيف.

Like him is ʿAbd Allah b.ʿĪsá, who is al-Khazzāz al-Baṣrī (also ḍaʿīf).
ومثله عبد الله بن عيسى وهو الخراز البصري،

And due to him alone al-Haythamī declared it to be defective (3/42) after he attributed it to al-Ṭabarānī in al-Kabīr.
وبه وحده أعله الهيثمي (3/42) بعد أن عزاه للطبراني في " الكبير ".

And it has a supporting narration in the ḥadīth of ʿAbd Allah b. Jaʿfar Najīḥ [who said] my father narrated to me [saying that]: Unays b. Abū Yaḥyá narrated to me from his father from Abū Saʿīd [who said]: That the Prophet ﷺ passed by al-Madīnah and saw a group of people digging a grave.
وله شاهد من حديث عبد الله بن جعفر بن نجيح حدثنا أبي حدثنا أنيس بن أبي يحيى عن أبيه عن أبي سعيد: أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مر بالمدينة فرأى جماعة يحفرون قبرا،

So he asked about it.
فسأل عنه،

So they said: “An Ethiopian who came [here] and then died.”
فقالوا: حبشيا قدم فمات،

So the Prophet ﷺ said: “None has the right to be worshipped except Allah. He was led from his land and his sky to the soil that he was created from.”
فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: " لا إله إلا الله سيق من أرضه وسمائه إلى التربة التي خلق منها ".

Reported by al-Bazzār [no. 842, Kashf al-Astār], and [p. 91, Zawāʿid Ibn Ḥajar]
أخرجه البزار (رقم - 842 - كشف الأستار) و (ص - 91 - زوائد ابن حجر)

And he said: “We do not know it from Abū Saʿīd except through this chain of narration. And Unays and his father were both ṣāliḥān (ie: righteous).”
وقال: " لا نعلمه عن أبي سعيد إلا بهذا الإسناد وأنيس وأبوه صالحان ".

I say: ʿAbd Allah b. Jaʿfar is weak and I do not know his father.
قلت: وعبد الله بن جعفر ضعيف، وأبوه لم أعرفه.

And it has another supporting narration from the ḥadīth of Abū ʿl-Dardāʾ and his likes.
وله شاهد آخر من حديث أبي الدرداء نحوه.

al-Haythamī said: “al-Ṭabarānī reported it in al-Awsaṭ and al-Aḥwāṣ b.Ḥakīm is in it. al-ʿIjlī declared him to be trustworthy and the majority declared it to be weak.”
قال الهيثمي: " رواه الطبراني في " الأوسط " وفيه الأحوص بن حكيم وثقه العجلي وضعفه الجمهور ".

Muḥammad Nāṣir ʾl-Dīn al-Albānī, Silsilah al-Aḥādīth al-Ṣaḥīḥah 4/473 #1858
محمد ناصر الدين الألباني، السلسلة الصحيحة ٤/٤٧٣ #١٨٥٨

@ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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