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SPOTTING ERRORS : ADVERB 1.When I got (a) / home I was (b) | Indian Airforce Afcat | Airmen X Y Group ™


1.When I got (a) / home I was (b) / too exhausted (c) / No error (d)

2.I did not know hardly (a) anyone in the city (b) / and so felt lonely (c) / No error (d)

3.I rarely find something (a) / in the movies (b) / that is worth remembering (c) / No error (d)

4.You have (a) / acted nobler (b) / than all of us (c) / No error (d)

5.Don’t stop (a) / anywhere. Go home (b) / directly (c) / No error (d)

6.He has no time (a) / to read magazines (b) / and no desire neither (c) / No error (d)

7.He has not seldom (a) / visited his parents (b) / since he left this place (c) / No error (d)

8.It was much hot (a) / yesterday and we (b) / didn’t go out (c) / No error (d)

9.I meet him often (a) / near (b) / the Town Hall (c) / No error (d)

10.I told her (a) as blunt as I could (b) / but she was not convinced (c) / No error (d)


1.c) Replace ‘too’ by ‘very’

2.a) Replace ‘did not know hardly’ by ‘hardly knew’

3.a) Replace ‘something’ by ‘anything’

4.b) Replace ‘nobler’ by ‘more nobly’

5.c) Replace ‘directly’ by ‘direct’

6.c) Replace ‘neither’ by ‘either’

7.a) Delete ‘not’

8.a) Replace ‘much’ by ‘very’

9.a) Replace ‘meet him often’ by ‘often meet him’

10.b) Replace ‘blunt’ by ‘bluntly’