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#Essential_English_Words gripe /ɡraɪp/ v. To gripe means t | Indian Airforce Afcat | Airmen X Y Group ™


gripe /ɡraɪp/ v.
To gripe means to complain constantly.
Ex: Lawrence always gripes when he has to do chores.

grueling /ˈɡruːəlɪŋ/ adj.
When something is grueling, it is very hard to do.
Ex: The climber faced the grueling task of reaching the top of the steep mountain.

mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/ adj.
When something is mundane, it is boring, common, or ordinary.
Ex: The man had the mundane chore of raking thousands of leaves into piles.

opt /ɒpt/,/ɑːpt/ v.
To opt is to make a choice, especially when deciding in favor of something.
Ex: My brother likes chocolate ice cream, but I always opt for vanilla.

outrage /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ n.
Outrage is a very strong emotion of anger or shock.
Ex: Tommy was feeling outrage when his parents said he couldn’t go to the dance.

paltry /ˈpɔːltri/ adj.
When an amount of something is paltry, it is very small.
Ex: The poor man had a paltry sum of money.

rectify /ˈrektəfaɪ/ v.
To rectify something means to correct it.
Ex: I quickly rectified the spelling mistakes that I had on my essay.

resourceful /rɪˈsɔːsfəl/ adj.
When someone is resourceful, they are good at dealing with hard situations.
Ex: After his boat sunk, Matt was resourceful enough to build a raft.

sustenance /ˈsʌstənəns/ n.
Sustenance is food and water needed to keep a person, animal, or plant alive.
Ex: Without the proper sustenance, the man will starve.

tedious /ˈtiːdiəs/ adj.
When something is tedious, it is long, frustrating, and boring.
Ex: His job involved a lot of tedious typing, filing, and organizing.