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Describing similarities Likewise- singari, ...dek Correspo | @InglizTili_IELTS_UZ

Describing similarities

Likewise- singari, ...dek
Correspondingly- Mos ravishda
Equally- birdek
Not only… but also- nafaqat bu, balki.....
In the same way- huddi shu asnoda
Similarly- shu bilan birga

Showing cause and effect

Consequently- Natijada
As a result- Natijasida
Thus- Shu sababli
Hence - shundan so'ng
Since- sababli
Because- chunki
Therefore- shuning uchun
Accordingly- muvofiq ravishda
This suggests that- Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
For this reason- shu sababli ham

Comparing and contrasting

Alternatively- muqobil sifatida
However- shunday bo'lsa ham
On the other hand- boshqa taraflama
Instead- o'rniga
On the contrary- taqqoslaganda
Despite/in spite of- qaramasdan
While (not whilst!)- esa
Even so- shunga qaramasdan
Nevertheless- shunga qaramay
Nonetheless- shunday bo'lsa ham
Admittedly-tan olish kerakki

Just try to make up sentences using these words!

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!