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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​129-dars. There is/ There are (inkor | @InglizTili_IELTS_UZ

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​129-dars.

There is/ There are (inkor shakli)

Anavi yerda "bor" demoqchi bo'lsak birlikda "there is", ko'plikda "there are" ishlatamiz, deb avvalgi darsda aytgan edi. Bugun inkor shaklda ko‘rib chiqamiz.

Biz there is/are dan inkor gap yasaganimizda to be fe’li (is/are) dan keyin not yuklamasi qo’yiladi va "u yerda yo’q" deb tarjima qilinadi.

There is not a pen in my bag.
- Mening sumkamda ruchka yo’q.

There are not five flowers in the classroom.
- Sinfxonada beshta gullar yo’q. 

There aren't any books on the table
- Stolda birorta kitob yo‘q.

There aren't any stadium in the town.
- Shaharda birorta stadion yo‘q

There are not ten days in a week.
- Bir haftada o‘n kun yo‘q.

There isn't any tea in the cup.
- Piyolada choy yo‘q.

there's = there is
there're = there are
there isn't = there is not = there's not
there aren't = there are not = there're not

Mavzuni o‘zlashtiring va rasmdagi mashqlarni bajarib ko‘ring.

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!