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Logo of telegram channel ingliztili_ielts_uz — @InglizTili_IELTS_UZ I
Logo of telegram channel ingliztili_ielts_uz — @InglizTili_IELTS_UZ
Channel address: @ingliztili_ielts_uz
Categories: Uncategorized
Language: English
Subscribers: 8
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🔝Kanalimizning har bir aʼzosi ingliz tilini oʻrganadi.
🔥IELTS 9 olish uchun olgʻa!
📝Ingliz tili boʻyicha yordam kerak boʻlsa 👇
@EngHelper_Robot'ga yozing
💰 Murojaat uchun: @zabikhullo_fathullayev
Reklama: @sifatli_reklom

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The latest Messages 13

2022-01-04 20:22:44 YOD OLING


Xayrixohlik, yupatish
Утешение, Сочувствие

Come, come.
Calm yourself.
Cool it.
Keep calm.
Bo'ldi, bo'ldi tinchlaning.

Never mind.
Axamiyat bermang.
Не обращайте внимания.

Don't worry.
Tashvish chekmang
Не беспокоитесь

Don't get nervous.
Не нервничайте.

Everthing wiil come out all right.
Xammasi joyida bo'ladi.
Всё будет а порядке.

I sympathise with you.
I feel for you.
I'm sorry for you.
Я вам сочувствую.

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!
1.2K views17:22
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2022-01-04 18:59:01 : Barcha Ingliz tilini oʻrganayotganlar uchun kerakli kanal.
Tezda obuna boʻlamiz..


449 views15:59
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2022-01-03 20:19:14​​​“Must” va “have to” modal fe’llari

Ingliz tilidagi “must” modal fe'li majburiyatni ifodalaydi va “zarur, shart, kerak” deb tarjima qilinadi.

I must answer this letter – Men bu xatga javob berishim kerak.

Pupils must go to school – O’quvchilar maktabga borishi shart.

“Must” biror narsani qat’iy maslahat berish yoki taklif qilish ma’nosida ham keladi.

You must read this article – Siz bu maqolani o’qishingiz kerak.

Inkor gaplarda “must” modal fe’lidan keyin “not” inkor yuklamasi qo’yiladi (must not, mustn’t) va so’roq gaplarda “must” egadan oldinga chiqariladi.

Children must not play with matches – Bolalar gugurt bilan o’ynamasligi kerak.

Must I do it now? – Buni hozir qilishim shartmi?

“Have to” modal fe’li uning sinonimi sifatida qo’llaniladi va biror vaziyat sabab qilinishi kerak bo’lgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalaydi.

I have to get up at 7 o'clock – Men soat 7da turishimga to’g’ri keladi.

“Must” modal fe’lining o’tgan yoki kelasi zamon shakli bo’lmaganligi sababli uning o’rniga “have to” ishlatiladi.

Yesterday I had to help my sister – Kecha opamga yordam berishim kerak edi.

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!
812 views17:19
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2022-01-03 18:59:03

Ingliz tilidagi "hustle and bustle" iborasi qanday ma'no anglatadi?

Want more Just stay tuned
962 views15:59
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2022-01-03 17:59:01

Tim was reading a newspaper ... the kitchen when I last saw him.




Javobini bilish uchun bu yerga bosing
1.2K views14:59
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2022-01-02 20:05:05 #Useful_grammar

Conform to, not with.

Don't say:'We must conform with the rules.
Say: We must conform to the rules.

Die of an illness, not from an illness.

Don't say: Many people have died from malaria.
Say: Many people have died of malaria.

Congratulate on, not for.

Don't say: I congratulate you for your success.
Say: I congratulate you on your success.

Different from, not than.

Don't say: My book is different than yours.
Say: My book is different from yours.

Consist of, not from.

Don't say: A year consists from twelve months.
Say: A year consists of twelve months.

Covered with, not by.

Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow.
Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.

Divide into parts, not in parts.

Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts.
Say: I divided the cake into four parts.

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!
1.4K views17:05
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2022-01-02 18:59:02
Kuchli xotiraga ega bo‘lishni istaysizmi? Bu endi juda oson!

Kursimizda siz:
Chet tilidagi so‘zlarni juda oson yodlash.
Yillarni oson yodlash.
Badiiy kitoblarni 2-3 soatda o‘qib tugatish.
Juda ko‘p xonali raqamlarni oson yodlash.
Dangasalikdan qutulish.
Ismlarni bir martada oson eslab qolish kabi darslarni o‘rganasiz.

Kursga qatnashish uchun barcha ma‘lumotlarni bu yerdan oling
1.3K views15:59
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2022-01-02 17:59:01

I sweet ... you (senga mubtalo bo‘lib qoldim)

A) in

B) on

C) at

1.3K views14:59
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2022-01-02 09:50:09 #Useful_grammar

Conform to, not with.

Don't say:'We must conform with the rules.
Say: We must conform to the rules.

Die of an illness, not from an illness.

Don't say: Many people have died from malaria.
Say: Many people have died of malaria.

Congratulate on, not for.

Don't say: I congratulate you for your success.
Say: I congratulate you on your success.

Different from, not than.

Don't say: My book is different than yours.
Say: My book is different from yours.

Consist of, not from.

Don't say: A year consists from twelve months.
Say: A year consists of twelve months.

Covered with, not by.

Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow.
Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.

Divide into parts, not in parts.

Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts.
Say: I divided the cake into four parts.

@InglizTili_IELTS_uz - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrganamiz!
792 views06:50
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2022-01-02 09:39:07
Eng zo'r soqol chiqaruvchi vosita — BEARD OIL

100% kafolatga ega!
Effekt a'lo darajada


_- Soqolni qisqa muddatda qalinlashtiradi.
- Mutlaqo bezarar
- Sifatli mahsulot

Narxi 149.000 soʻm


Yetkazib berish bepul
Oldindan toʻlov olinmaydi
760 views06:39
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