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Since I started Healing The Divide and started announcing my i | Iris Koh

Since I started Healing The Divide and started announcing my intentions to take legal actions, many telegram groups have shunned me, smeared me and even put me at arm's length. They are afraid that they will be impacted if they are seen to be supporting me / healing the divide.

To them, I say I don't know if they are very misinformed or even potentially helping the G from not allowing people to take legal action with all their invalid / inaccurate talk / scaring others not to do the thing that would potentially put an end to all these injustices once and for all.

Taking legal action is one of the most peaceful and legitimate actions that we can do. We cannot rally, we cannot protest. Petitions are falling on deaf ears, see MP also no use, so what else can we do now? Only Sue.

Now will the government see this as illegal action? Of cos not and definitely not! Our country is built by Lee Kuan Yew on strong foundations of law. Should they be afraid of me?

Of cos not. They got all the top lawyers in the country, all the money in the world, why should they be afraid or bully me or people who want to take legal action? Do you think it's very easy to sue the government? Of cos not! Many cases can be thrown out before it's heard.

Will the government send ISD on me? Well, I am making my intentions known publically. There is no secret agenda. Law suits need time to prepare and act, including collecting of evidences and plaintiffs etc. If I'm stopped or prevented, then you all should be very worried about the justice system in Singapore.

I find it very strange that many of these telegram groups out there, they have no intention of taking any legal action and one of their objections is to help manage dissent voices in the groups. I see that as a conflict of interest.

This group is not working with any government. We are working with the community, with people who are suffering from the policies to bring about much needed unity in our society.

Stay here if you believe in our mission and don't be threatened by talks of being associated with me or Healing the Divide. If you are scarred, please leave now also. I don't want to be affecting your safety etc.

We are healing the divide. We believe truth will heal the divide and one of the places where truth can be told is in the court of law where people have to be sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
