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A Shot Every Six Months per 'Professor' Bill Gates: 'You Can T | Jason Q Bourne

A Shot Every Six Months per 'Professor' Bill Gates: "You Can Tell It's a Vaccine Agenda Forever!"

Dr. Peter McCullough: "Countries that have pre-purchased years of the same vaccine, not even modified, not even made better, not even made safer. They have advanced it forward, and there is, at the same time, an oblivion to safety, and it is global. I have had patient after patient after patient have a well-recognized vaccine problem, a blood clot, heart damage, and they go to doctor to doctor and the doctors will say, 'I'm not sure exactly what you have. I'm not sure what this is due to, but I can tell you one thing: it's NOT due to the vaccine.' "

how do you know your doctor is getting paid and is a shit doctor?

Answer: when he tells you it's NOT due to the vaccine.
