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Ironically the only thing I seem to talk about on my Telegram | KSA Spectre / Tyler Hoban

Ironically the only thing I seem to talk about on my Telegram channel is Telegram, many people may come to the conclusion that I have abandoned this channel but it really isn't the case. I just sometimes have truly nothing to talk about that I think would be interesting to a broad group of people.

Regardless I'm going to commit to saying at least something here every so often, as im tired of people leaving but then coming right back when some aggregator reposts me.

Back to the first part, I'm talking about Telegram again today. While Telegram has normally been a bastion of free speech and has never really censored things platform wide unless they are direct calls to violence (this excludes filtering that is required and done on behalf of Apple and Google to remain on their stores, which is a whole other point entirely) recently some channels have been blocked with the message "This channel cannot be displayed because it violated local laws".

The biggest of channels to be hit with this recently are 2 media outlets that are (reported to be) controlled by the Russian state. Now, while of course I am not a fan of people eating up hogwash from any government regardless of national affiliation I think it's fair to say that regardless of bias, belief, and influence any media publication has the right to continue existing so long as they do not directly call to violence against any individual or group.

Telegram should defend every single entity, or it is not truly a "free speech platform". Just a "somewhat" less biased and censored application.

The absolute lowest part of this is even Meta has not taken the same actions in the United States (although they have in Europe), It makes me wonder if it is truly time to move on again. Something I felt would probably never be the case here.

Telegram's staff don't read what I say and I won't act with such a level of self importance as to demand that they do, but I really wish that this practice would be reversed. It's at best the classic slippery slope, or at worst a sign of the end times.