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COLLOCATIONS a dissenting voice —norozi / qarshi ovoz m | Learn English with us


a dissenting voice norozi / qarshi ovoz

meaning: (formal) person who disagreed

When it came to the vote, there was only one dissenting voice.
Ovoz berish vaqti kelganda, faqat bitta norozi ovoz bor edi.

a vociferous opponent — o'ta / keskin raqib

meaning: someone who opposes something loudly and publicly

Our local MP is a vociferous opponent of having a casino in our city.
Mahalliy deputatimiz shahrimizda kazino bo'lishining keskin raqibi.

passionate entreaty — o'tinib so'rash

meaning: requests made because of strong beliefs

Plans to extend the airport went ahead, despite passionate entreaties from local residents.
Mahalliy aholining o'tinib so'ragan iltimoslariga qaramay, aeroportni kengaytirish rejalari amalga oshdi

a throwaway comment — o'ylangan / qoldirilgan izoh

meaning: an unintentional remark which
should not be taken seriously

I don’t think the politician really meant to say she was leaving the party – it was just a throwaway comment.
Menimcha, siyosatchi haqiqatan ham partiyani tark etishini aytmoqchi emas edi - bu shunchaki o'ylangan gap / izoh edi.