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Good news! I’m back! Thanks for staying with @speak8_IE | LearningByListening (by Mrs. Fey)

Good news!
I’m back!
Thanks for staying with @speak8_IELTS these two years even when I was snowed under with life stuff! What a busy, busy year it was…

We’re gonna restart teaching grammar in this group for free in s few days! (read on)

“Unit 21 in Farsi” and “Unit 22 in English and in Farsi” will be posted once you let your friends know about our group and we get to 1500 subscribers

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I’ll refresh the counter daily:
290 members to go! Tell a friend they can
get the latest Cambridge grammar book and
use free audio grammar lessons in @speak8_IELTS (SHN free Grammar Courses) from the most famous grammar book published by Cambridge , maker of the IELTS!
So send this message to your friends

And some of you asked what the name of our group meant Back in 2017, I sat the test and got an 8 for speaking. A year later, I got an 8.5 out of 9 in a mock test.