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The premeditated mass shooting last night in Philadelphia, whe | Mark Dice

The premeditated mass shooting last night in Philadelphia, where the shooter was wearing a bullet proof vest and shot a bunch of people, killing five and wounding others was committed by a black man. So that explains why there wasn't wall to wall coverage and the story has vanished from cable news.

Last night when the media didn't identify the perpetrator as a "White man in his 40s" and instead just a "man in his 40s" it was clear the shooter was black.

And in this case it looks like it's not just a black man, but a black man who identifies as a woman. ANOTHER transgender mass murderer. Who preplanned their murder spree, using a bullet proof vest. Police say they have "absolutely no idea" why he did it, which means it was likely another case of heterophobic rage.

Ordinarily such an atrocity would be covered for a week straight, but this one will disappear by tonight and never be mentioned again by the gun grabbers. They only organize protests and call for more gun bans when the shooters happen to be White. They don't want to fuel any "stereotypes" (facts) that black men commit about 10 times as much violent crime as White people and that black people are 13% of the population but commit 60% of all violent crime. (It's not 50% anymore, it's up to 60% now)