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WE ARE AT WAR. We need more leaders and fewer sheep, and fewer | Maryland Audit Watch Channel

WE ARE AT WAR. We need more leaders and fewer sheep, and fewer cult leaders with large followings.

This was a response to a question someone asked me regarding my assessment the audit movement, and possible solutions (with a few edits):

IMO, the audit movement has been infiltrated and hijacked by bad actors, so the best solution is to figure out how to bypass the politicians, audit establishment, and audit grifters completely. We all know and saw the swing states cheat, so maybe we start working with our local county Sherriff's department to have them investigate voter fraud in their counties, just like Wisconsin did. How many nursing homes or special needs group homes are in there in their counties? What other soft targets did the left target to harvest ballots the most amount of ballots in the shortest amount of time? We need to start thinking how they think, study how they stole this election, then figure out what we need to do to prevent it from ever happening again.

We also need to elect people who will actually enforce the law. This means we have to VOTE in 2022 with overwhelming numbers to make it as difficult as possible for them to cheat.

We have to get involved and take back our party by becoming precinct committee members, run for office, and start making sure every SANE Republican (Per POTUS) is registered to vote, then votes. It's also about mobilizing our ground game the day the ballots get mailed out by making phone calls reminding people to vote, how to vote, when to vote, then encouraging them to vote early so no one votes for them.

The Bitter Pill:

The first thing we need to do is wake people up here in Telegram, to let them know our movement has been infiltrated and hijacked by the enemy. Unfortunately, these traitors in Telegram are running very large channels with very cult-like followings, so nothing these cult leaders say or do is wrong. They are one big echo chamber recycling the same propaganda, making the same false predictions, and repeating the same exact lies with absolutely nothing to show for it except for the money they've raised for each other. It's a big club, and a big echo chamber, so their followers may need to be reminded to follow the facts not people, because people do change. Just because you like someone, or they quote scripture, doesn't make them a good person. President Reagan always said, "Trust, but verify." If people actually put this into practice for everything they are told and read in Telegram, they would have already left these channels by now.

Instead of a few cult leaders with large followings, we need more leaders and fewer sheep. This isn't church. This is a place of action, so we need as many people to step-up and lead as possible. We also need to welcome different opinions and ideas without being so easily offended. We are at war, and if we have any chance of winning this war WE THE PEOPLE —in partnership with God—need to put on our big boy pants, get rid of the bad apples, and start working together to take our country back.