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The systems that were created to collectively keep us thinking | Medbeds and Celestial Chambers

The systems that were created to collectively keep us thinking and behaving in ways that were decided for us centuries a go.
Capitalising on our freedom and rights.
Controlling our thoughts and emotions.
Hijacking our energy, vibration and spiritual life.
Dumbing down our purpose to slaves.
“You will own nothing and you will be happy”.
“You will fear death and forget you are divine”.
Think of the religious systems, governmental, educational, pharmaceutical, financial etcetc.

One by one we are finally discovering
the influence and effect on us so we can decide if and only if We the people want to accept this strategy and authority as our own.

The Great Awakening is the Dismanteling of the influence of all these systems over us.
Cutting loose from systems that caused us to adapt and behave to be able to integrate.
Hijacked and stuck we all were/are.
Unable to see and awaken in our individual process.

Now many many more are awakening and shifting the collective will break through very soon.
It is inevitable.
Beacuse this is how awakening starts.
In the middle of uncomfortable situations.
When we want out.
When we want to wake up from the nightmare we feel trapped in to move, shift and change.

Embrace the chaos and pain when we come to the realisation of the corruption, fraude and evil.
Let it be the foretelling of the shift into the dimension of living life in freedom, harmony and prosperity.
And so it is.

Sending love into this world