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Disconnecting When was the last time you went out for a wal | Mellow Millennial


When was the last time you went out for a walk and didn't take your phone? We're all starting to see the escapist value of disconnecting, and how it can affect our cognitive and emotional wellbeing.

It makes you feel grounded. Disconnecting yourself puts you in a position of focusing on what's around you. You start to notice where you are and what you're experiencing.

It makes you reflect. Going for a walk without your phone enables you to finally have a conversation with yourself. When was the last time you did that? Reflecting is scary, but quite often - it's really good.

It breaks the chain for connection. Putting your phone away actually helps stop that 10000x chain of attention and content you've been feeding your brain for the past god how many days. It can be jarring, but it gives your cognition the break it deserves.

Give it a go today. Turn off your phone and see where it takes you.
