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Call for Articles UNA-ET HU Chapter welcomes all Hawassa Uni | Merahit Club / መራሒት ክበብ

Call for Articles

UNA-ET HU Chapter welcomes all Hawassa University students to join in an article competition with a goal of consolidating and enhancing peace in our nation Ethiopia, the region and in particular higher education institutions. This Article competition is brought to you in collaboration with ACWAY, Hawassa University President’s office, Hawassa University Sociology department, and Oyes Global Foundation.

Step 1: Fill the form provided properly
Step 2: Attach an introductory passage describing any alternative or traditional dispute resolution methods used in any one of the Ethiopian societies and the role they play in peacebuilding, short and concisely in 300-words( 1-page).

The deadline for the first round is Sunday August 14, 2022.

Once the passage has been approved, the 20 students who have been selected will proceed to the main round, in which they will be writing a 5-page article with a title to be disclosed onwards.

Fill the form here