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REDD VIKINGSKIPENE - SAVE THE VIKING SHIPS 'Halting construct | Millennial Woes


"Halting construction over politically-charged financial disagreements has placed the future of the museum and its precious artefacts—most notably the three best-preserved Viking ships in the world—at an inestimable risk. Due to the collection’s delicate condition, if no resolution is made, it will be placed behind closed doors indefinitely."

This is the future of our heritage; it only exists because in the world of tourist capitalism, it is preserved as a commodity unless it can receive state or NGO funding for its preservation, but in a world of ESGs and a globalised vision, national heritage is worthless and state or NGO funding is eventually withdrawn. Unless your museum can keep up with modern, interactive and inclusive standards, its irreplaceable collection of art and artefacts will lose all funding and be put upon the scrapheap of history.