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The Ayatollah has been doxed by some filth, to whom people sho | Millennial Woes

The Ayatollah has been doxed by some filth, to whom people should be replying at this tweet. The Ayatollah's response statement is exemplary. Here's a bit of it:

You know the all-pervasive power of this doctrine of anti-Whiteness only too well, because you experience its effects yourself. We all do. Central to its function is the libel of "racism" - a weapon of mass psychological abuse devised and wielded to keep White people from thinking and acting in our own interests while our sovereignty and our homelands are taken from us.

The anti-White libel of "racism" is the reason you've probably nervously looked over your shoulder and said "I'm not racist, but" more than once in your life before making some innocuous observation about someone who isn't White, some non-White group collectively, or demographic change in a certain part of a town or city. It's the inner sense of anxiety and learned guilt you feel when patterns of stereotypical behaviour or characteristics in a non-White group - sometimes even positive ones - become apparent to you. This is the mindset of an occupied, browbeaten, psychologically abused people.

Were this to be stripped away, all any Briton or any White person would have to say about the mass immigration and the anti-White agenda we have been subjected to in the decades since the Second World War would be, "whatever their individual merits, these people do nothing that we cannot do ourselves, and nothing that we cannot survive or thrive without, so as far as we are concerned, there is no good reason for any of this."

Instead, we are subjected to a lifelong programme of psychological abuse, guilt propaganda, and bogus history in our schools, and our media and entertainment, all to prevent us from responding in this exact way - the only rational way.