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Uncovering the Truth: Shedding Light on FISA Recent revelatio | Michael Jackson

Uncovering the Truth: Shedding Light on FISA

Recent revelations surrounding the FBI's warrantless "backdoor searches" on American citizens, as disclosed by the DOJ Inspector General, have brought forth a concerning issue. While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was initially designed for targeted surveillance of foreigners, it appears that the FBI has been exploiting it to conduct covert surveillance on Americans.

The 2022 transparency report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals an alarming number of 3.4 million backdoor searches conducted in 2021 alone. This revelation has led to questions raised by Gaetz regarding the legitimacy of these searches.

These findings give rise to several important questions: Who authorized the FISA warrants against Flynn? Were there FISA warrants issued against Trump, his campaign, and his aides? Who approved the FISA warrants for surveillance on millions of U.S. citizens? Moreover, why were FISA warrants utilized for spying on foreign governments and influencing events like the "color revolutions" in Egypt, Libya, or attempts to undermine Bin Salman? Understanding the true nature of FISA is of utmost importance.

The significance of Q's repeated warnings about FISA cannot be ignored. How did Q possess this knowledge in advance?

Consider the implications if these truths were not uncovered. Although the path ahead may be challenging, we must ensure that every step we take adheres to legal protocols. It is crucial for ordinary individuals to comprehend and accept events based on factual information.

The FISA revelations are part of a larger narrative, the opening act of a carefully orchestrated production. This narrative involves exposing bad actors, installing trustworthy individuals, and unmasking sleeper agents. We are prepared for what lies ahead.

[FISA] unveils a planned military coup against the 45th President, revealing deep-rooted corruption within U.S. intelligence agencies, involving elites and even presidents engaged in treasonous acts.

Kash Patel urged trust in Durham, whose saga is yet to unfold, along with the Epstein and Hunter sagas. President Trump himself boldly stated, "It's treason."

Behind the scenes, divisions among U.S. military generals persist, while the white hats prepare to release damning evidence and expose the deep state. The involvement of the U.S. military is significant.

It is also important to acknowledge that [FISA] works both ways, and the military white hats possess comprehensive knowledge.

This is not just another ordinary election cycle. Patriots, stand strong as the white hats awaken the masses and initiate Congressional hearings and Senate debriefings to legally substantiate the evidence and establish a solid record. It all leads to the implementation of the Law of War and the imminent arrest of those involved. November 3rd is fast approaching.

