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#denaZification From the act of atrocities of the German occu | MoD Russia


From the act of atrocities of the German occupants during the period from October 8, 1941 to September 10, 1943

"On the first day of the occupation, October 8, 1941, SS units seized the first 26 citizens they found and tortured them in the courtyard of the former NKVD building in the centre of the city. They skinned their hands, cut off their genitals, ears and noses and walled them up half alive in the cellar walls. After 13 days these corpses were excavated and shown to the population as NKVD victims. This is how citizens Levin, Kogan, Alivanov and others died."

"Before fleeing, the fascist beasts deliberately burned and destroyed the city. From September 7 to 10, 1943, special squads of torch-bearers burned and blew up all public and private buildings".

Other documents on the pages of "Mariupol. Liberation" project

#NoExcuse #WeAllRemember