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Our God, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth, created each of | Carmel News💡

Our God, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth, created each of us in love. Yet so many do not know Him and His love. Who will proclaim this Good News? How will we proclaim it? What creative and Spirit-led resources are there that we can use to make disciples of all nations? Lets ask God in Prayer for the Nations and pray with understanding of each context as we Meet the Missionaries. Tune in on Friday and this weekend! Look through the e-booklet to peer into their lives. See you all!

Missions Festival 2021 (August 13th-22nd)
What’s on this week:
1. Pray for the Nations: China, India, Vietnam and Singapore
20 Aug, Fri: 7.45 pm- 9.00pm
Meeting ID: 818 4185 8193
Password: Prayer2021
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81841858193?pwd=WkNITHVmdHduRHRwLzVBeWs2MW5uQT09

2. Meet the Missionaries: India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Singapore
22 Aug, Sun: 10.45am-11.45am
Meeting ID: 876 9945 1380
Password: 061702
Zoom link (22 Aug): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87699451380?pwd=UHdLY3p3aU5zV0VzeTViYUVHZVo3UT09

3. E-Missions booklet
In this year’s Mission Booklet, our missionaries and partners share their stories on ministering in innovative ways despite Covid-19. We have an unstoppable God and His work goes on through the use of technology! Look out for our Mission’s Booklet, a call to reflection and action, and a specially designed crossword puzzle relating to the stories in the booklet and stand to win some exciting prizes!

Visit https://www.carmel.sg/missionsfest21/ for more details