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TAKE THE POWER BACK. The nature of our engagement of law mean | National Education United


The nature of our engagement of law
means everyone may enter and benefit,
at their own deciding.

No one will be left behind.

There will be those of us who begin today (with Dean).

Others may enter later this month (January).

As we widen and enrich our scope and knowledge, our dedicated members (myself included) will develop 'programs'.

These will be offered, FREE, to members OF ALL STATES, TERRITORIES, INDUSTRIES and GROUPS!

Every industry will soon adopt this idea and, assisted by us (we are, largely, educators after all), unleash their own legions of law suits!

Ultimately our ever-developing 'law programs' will consult and draw knowledge from many masters of law.

From these initiatives anyone and everyone may apply their knowledge and skills to whichever challenge they encounter (here or later in life).

Ongoing teams of support will follow, assist and guide you toward such direction, with advice, editing and resources.

Think of the thousands of schools.

Think of the thousands of us.

No we go after them!

They will not touch the kids!

By the beginning of term one we will have positioned a nice apocalypse of lawful intervention between them and the children they would otherwise harm.

Watch them crumble!

We start today.
Jump in, or catch up when you can.

We will support you all the way.