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​​UNBELIEVABLE - BUT A FACT ! Beetroot cures no worse than med | Alternative Medicine

​​UNBELIEVABLE - BUT A FACT ! Beetroot cures no worse than medicines !

- improves blood quality;
- cleanses the body- has a laxative, diuretic effect, cleanses the liver;
- has an anti-cancer effect -blocks the growth of cancer cells;
- enhances the function of the genital glands, treats sexual impotence;
- increases the endurance of the body - enhances the absorption of oxygen by the tissues of the body;
- improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
- reduces pressure;
- reduces the risk of vascular atherosclerosis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis;
- rejuvenating effect - contains substances that promote the creation of new cells;
- dramatically reduces the phenomena of menopause;
- the syndrome of "cold feet" goes away due to the vasodilating effect;
- helps strengthen arteries, capillary walls, ligaments and bones
- useful in case of exhaustion of the body and loss of strength;
- prevents obesity (especially liver obesity).

A healing recipe from beetroot.

How to cook beet broth correctly
To prepare a properly healing infusion of root vegetables, it is best to grow it in advance on your site. Beetroot easily accumulates nitrates and other chemical fertilizers, which turn into water when cooked. As a result, the drink will be too harmful and will not bring benefits. If the beetroot is purchased, then for reinsurance it is better to cut off a third of the fruit from the side of the leaves, since it is here that numerous nitrates accumulate.

Cooking rules:
- Beets need to be washed, you can use a brush. Remove the skin
- After that, the root crop is put in a saucepan and poured with a liter of water.
- You need to remember the water level and add another 2 liters.
- Heat the liquid to a boil.
- It is necessary to cook the root vegetable after boiling over medium heat until the level of 1 liter returns.
- Remove the beetroot broth from the fire and put it to cool.
- Pull out the beets.
- The cooled root vegetable should be grated and added to the broth.
- Cook the entire contents of the pan for another 20 minutes.
- Remove from the stove and strain.
- Immediately after cooling, the broth can be used for its intended purpose.

How to use beet broth
There are several methods for the correct use of the drink, depending on the desired result. And cooking recipes may also vary. Most often, the drink is recommended to be used several times during the day. Sometimes every few hours. But in any case, you need to start drinking the product immediately after cooking. This way the maximum amount of necessary substances will be preserved.
