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Research and analysis. It's such an easy thing to claim to do, | SQvQge Dawg

Research and analysis. It's such an easy thing to claim to do, but it takes too much effort for some people to actually do.

I choose my companions based on two things - their love of America, and their willingness to put in the effort to research, study, analyze and learn.

One person writes an article with sources, documents and footnotes. They SHOW THEIR WORK. I respect that very much. If the information proves to be inaccurate for some reason, it's unfortunate but not a deal-breaker because everyone finds bad info or misses on an analysis.

Another person puts out one item of information and makes a bunch of things that could be called inferences...but in way too many cases, they're nothing more than what engineers call a WAG...a Wild-Ass Guess. The kind of logical leaps some people make are mind-boggling. "He went to Rome on vacation 2 years ago - he's working with the Evil Pope!"

Ever got a shipment from Amazon, bought some cheap Chinese crap at Walmart or ate some Ben and Jerry's ice cream at a party? Well...that doesn't make you a Bezos boy, a Chinese agent or a greasy-haired California commie. It makes you pretty ordinary, because it's happened to practically everyone.

For starters, there are basically two kinds of people working to expose info for our sleeping neighbors. Research analysts and WAGs. Don't be a WAG.

From there, the road forks a couple more times, because there are a few dirtbags out there who try to play stupid psyop games. They just deceive people and eventually show themselves to be scammers. And last, there are a few boneheads who think they know every damn thing in the world, when they can't tell the difference between horse shit and peanut butter.

I like people who deliver. People who bring facts. Sources. Documents. PROOF. Proof that is provided UP FRONT. People who show their work. No conditions. No excuses. They just DO IT. Because it's the right thing to do.

That's the kind of people I roll with. I'd prefer to be able to help WAGs develop into their own Research Analysts, but it's not for everyone. Life's like that.

And the rest can kiss my big, fat ass - because that's the only part of me they're ever gonna be looking at.