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What’s up, Nicegrammers! How’s your week going so far? Ther | Nicegram

What’s up, Nicegrammers!
How’s your week going so far?

There’s been heated discussion under the previous post
We’ve carefully read all your comments and started fixing the most critical bugs in the first place Nicegram must be the most convenient messenger and we stand true to this idea!

So, here’s what we’ve done:

You can again see the Registration Date of other Nicegram users;

Premium Access is BACK! You have your access to premium features as before. To get it back, please, use Nicegram Bot. Here’s the link https://t.me/nicegram_premium_restore_bot

We really do our best and feel grateful that you’re still a devoted member of this community and continue using Nicegram despite inconveniences.
It’s truly special to us! You’re the best!

And yes, let’s talk!