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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! What is a mother? Well it seems nowadays | Women Shouldn't Internet


What is a mother? Well it seems nowadays anyone can be called a mom, but it takes a certain type of woman to be called mother. Why do I say that?

A mother doesn't care about being liked by any one but her children.

A mother wants the attention of her family.

A mother will do all she can to protect her little ones.

A mother doesn't focus on the drama of this world.

A mother makes sure you have eaten.

A mother doesn't want you to go thirsty.

A mother wants what's best for you.

A mother awaits for the father's return to serve dinner.

A mother dresses her loved ones for church.

A mother doesn't believe there are too many mouths to feed.

A mother doesn't vote unless it's a 2nd vote for her husband.

A mother doesn't need to be materialistic and puts her children first.

A mother raises her boys to be chivalrous and daughters to be subservient.

A mother does all she can to make sure her children have shelter.

A mother isn't easy to come by but easy to say.

A mother teaches her children to love others unconditionally.

A mother will not preoccupy herself with politics or who's the biggest celebrity.

A mother will cook whatever she can find to make sure her family doesn't miss a meal.

A mother respects her husband and disciplines her children.

A mother isn't just a woman who gives birth but nurtures that life created.

A mother cries when her children are in pain or suffering.

A mother shouldn't need friends on the internet or fans.

A mother won't argue with men half her age on social media.

A mother doesn't need to wear tight pants or show cleavage.

A mother will put her family first and not try to look for a job other than housewife.

A mother is what raised me and I am blessed to have such a great woman in my life.

Happy mother's day to all the women who try to do all they can to be involved in their child's life