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New Guide ~ How We Built a Fren Movement: The Power of the Ros | The Official NoFap meme bunker 🚫🌰🍂

New Guide ~ How We Built a Fren Movement: The Power of the Rosary


This is a long-term project about guiding all of us into thriving in our respective societies, despite all the problems one might face each step of the way. For lonely, young, right-wing Men with social problems, we wrote the "How to make friends" guide with @ChristianReactionary & @chadistan. This guide provided explanations regarding how to cease being a chronic loner and make friends. 

Now, for these same young men that progressed and can manage to find a few friends, handle social situations better, for this situation we wrote, "How to Make A Fren Movement" with @GalliaDaily & @CIG_telegram. That guide applied social disciplines to searching-for/organizing like-minded people and setting up real-life groups and a network of high-trust friendships. 

Once you have a good network and many friends, what now? Time to think bigger. This led us to our new guide, " How We Built a Fren Movement: The Power of the Rosary" with @CIG_telegram & @ChristianReactionary. This time we will actually show you how we applied a tiered framework, in this case through a Catholic ontological context.

The thumbnail you see was the "Rosary for The Youth of Spain" event. Thanks to God, we helped in its organization and we ended up attracting 3,000-4,000 mainstream Catholics to pray the rosary in the center of Madrid. 

We also organized Men's Rosaries following the example of Poland, in Madrid last April. Through Men's Rosaries we reached out towards devout and conservative Catholics.  We attracted about 300-400 attendees and many countries have followed our example.

For the ingroup activities, we strengthened the youth programs of our parish, the amount of people in these activities numbered about 20-50 people usually. 

All of this has been a blessing in many ways, to truly praise God in the streets, it's a way to unite everyone in prayer, despite their differences. If you want to see the fruits of our labor and the process we used in more detail, check out our article.