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ㅤ #𝐓𝐄𝐍 – Art is life, illustrating the colorful colors of lif | NCT #GOLDEN_AGE.

#𝐓𝐄𝐍 – Art is life, illustrating the colorful colors of life with meaning in each of its configurations. Lend a great significance to anyone's eyes that see the results of the refinement of that imagination. Provide calm and satisfaction to yourself when you succeed in achieving what is art in yourself. Everyone is art, and they have their own way of revealing that art to the world. Art is part of the life of this universe. Given that in every stroke, art has many meanings in every perception and we can show it anywhere, we can throw down all our imagination and ourselves into one a work of art and create the most of art that is so meaningful for ourselves and everyone who sees it. The way you determine the idea is very diverse, especially since art can be created from various things, one of which is digital. I, the artist Ten Lee, bring back my work to you to present the works that mean so much to me. I really love every digital stroke that I create on my iPad, where it will be one of the works of art that I can share widely on my social media with all those who are waiting for my future work. Because art is a part of my life, I really like art that combinations in my soul and can spill it into the works that I create. Therefore, this time I painted an art image that is a little abstract but I hope that all of us can enjoy it as a work of art. How about the results, Wayzenni?