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Why does the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation fund the British | open your 👁

Why does the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation fund the British drugs approval authority MHRA and many more?

First, 3 million dollars may not be much money for the Gates Foundation, but for the MHRA it is a considerable sum.
Second, the assets of the GATES Foundation of around $ 60 billion includes shares and other forms of investment in some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world whose products are regulated by the MHRA regularly. These companies include Sanofi, Merck, Eli Lilly and Company and Abbott Laboratories, who have developed or develop all Covid-19 treatments and / or vaccines that need to be admitted in the United Kingdom. These include Pfizer and his German partner Biontech, who jointly developed and marketed the most profitable vaccine in history. This is a blatant conflict of interest. It is also worth mentioning that the former CEO of the MHRA, Ian Hudson, now works as a senior Advisor at the Gates Foundation.


The joke is, Bill and Melinda still bribe other institutions too.
The Gates Foundation is an important partner of GAVI in the design (manipulation) of the vaccine market. https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavi-partnership-model/bill-melinda-gates-Foundation

Here is a selection of Gates Foundation "partners" ...

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