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Rumors of InoWorld - There, Lubim, your heroes have returned, | Pagan Gods News

Rumors of InoWorld

- There, Lubim, your heroes have returned, - Milana stood at the door of the barn. She said it and then instantly regretted it. Maybe it was not necessary to focus attention once again, cause the boy has a painfully ardent interest in the warriors that have come.
A boy of thirteen years old put buckets of water on the threshold:
- The ones with the Knyaz? Or the second team?
- The Knyaz is not to be seen, and his Voivode too...
- It means that those who wanted to go to the city could not do it… - the guy drew disappointment and wiped the sweat from his forehead. - If the Knyaz’s druzhina has not yet returned, now they may not return at all. And these are of little use to me... Well, we have to do something!
Milana, watching the boy run somewhere, got worried, threw a towel and rushed to chase the fidget to protect him from all stupidity:
- What are you thinking?! I'm not so young to chase after you!

And the boy went straight to the bogatyrs! They plan to find their Knyaz, and Lubim is eager to be their ward - to show the way to the warlock! Yes, even asking to become a part of the team! What a shame!
And Lark, this bastard, teases. And this man wanted to become my husband!
Look, the warriors of the Knyaz agree to take Lyubim, is it really because he opposed the chief miner? And if the kid perishes on the way to the warlock?!
“Don’t be afraid, he won’t be lost while we’re with him” they say! What a pride! Yes, if only they all did not disappear!
Although the Knyaz’ druzhina is famous for its masters of the sword, not every master will be ready for what they may encounter...

Before setting off on the road, Lubim approached Milana.
- Forgive me for my misdeeds, and thank you for being a true parent for me...
- What are you saying?! Goodbye forever?! - Milana kept wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.
- So it is, probably... If we remain unharmed, then I will leave with the bogatyrs, but if not...
- Stop talking like that, you bastard! The boyars promised that you would not be lost with them!
- More likely, they won’t be lost while I'm around. - Lyubim smiled slyly and hugged the woman tightly. She patted his curls and released him. But how could it be otherwise... A man is brought up with hunger and great deeds. She no longer could keep him out of trouble...

Milana looked after the travelers for a long time, until the dark dots on the horizon completely dissolved in tears.

Word of mouth is spreading fast, but here's what really happened.
