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Drag queen story time classes for primary school children in c | Chris Patriotic Talk Channel

Drag queen story time classes for primary school children in council libraries have sparked fury from parents over inappropriate content and men in "highly sexualised" dress: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/16/drag-queen-story-time-primary-school-children-prompts-backlash/

Drag Queen Story Hour UK will hold nearly 70 events in 20 areas across Britain for three to 11-year-olds, in a Summer tour starting later this month.

The Safe Schools Alliance, a campaign group of teachers and parents, told The Telegraph that "drag queens entering children’s environments is an abuse of power” and at odds with the Department for Education guidance, which insists upon "evidence-based" teaching.

The Family Education Trust is urging parents to find out if their local library is holding a Drag Queen Story Hour and, if they are, to contact them outlining your concerns – their letter template will help: https://familyeducationtrust.org.uk/letter-to-send-to-local-libraries-to-object-to-drag-queen-story-hour/

You can see whether your local library is hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour here: https://www.dragqueenstoryhour.co.uk/summertour2022