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Physics Directory

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2021-04-28 14:52:58
Anatomy of a Solar Campfire
This graphic provides a summary of what ESA’s Solar Orbiter mission, as well as computer modelling, has revealed about solar campfires in the first year of the mission. Campfires are miniature solar flares manifesting as short-lived brightenings in the lower corona, rooted in the magnetic flux concentrations of the chromosphere. They were first identified in Extreme Ultraviolet Imager data, and computer simulations are providing insights into the magnetic field phenomena driving them.
Credit: Sun image: Solar Orbiter/EUI Team/ESA & NASA; Data: Berghmans et al (2021) and Chen et al (2021).
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2021-04-28 14:52:58 'Campfires' offer clue to solar heating mystery
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2021-04-28 14:52:58 Surprising physics that we depend on for existence
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2021-04-28 14:52:58 Stars made of antimatter could lurk in the Milky Way
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2021-04-28 14:52:57 A two-qubit engine powered by entanglement and local measurements
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2021-04-26 17:17:12 Important Quantum Field Theory Publications

*Klein and Gordon papers
Oskar Klein, Walter Gordon
*Dirac equation
Paul Dirac
*Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics
Richard Feynman
*Conservation of Isotopic Spin and Isotopic Gauge Invariance
C. N. Yang and R. L. Mills
*Electroweak unification papers
Sheldon Lee Glashow, Steven Weinberg, Abdus Salam
*1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers
François Englert, Robert Brout, Peter Higgs, Gerald Guralnik, Carl Richard Hagen, Tom Kibble
*Gross, Wilczek & Politzer 1973 papers
David Gross, Frank Wilczek, Hugh David Politzer
*An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Michael Peskin, Daniel V. Schroeder

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364 views14:17
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2021-04-26 17:17:12
The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality
The double slit experiment radically changed the way we understand reality. Find out what the ramifications of this experiment were and how we can use it to better comprehend our universe.
Written and hosted by Matt O’Dowd
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- Planck's Constant and The Origin of Quantum Mechanics
- Single Photon Interference
- Is Quantum Tunneling Faster than Light?
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365 viewsedited  14:17
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2021-04-24 16:01:39 Quantum steering for more precise measurements
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476 views13:01
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2021-04-24 16:01:39 A breakthrough astrophysics code rapidly models stellar collisions
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2021-04-24 16:01:39 Enchanted by black holes? We are, too
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334 views13:01
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