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LINGYAATs: founded by Basava in the 12th century. Lingay | Upsc prelims tricks


founded by Basava in the 12th century.
Lingayat, also called Virashaiva, member of a Hindu sect with a wide following in southern India that worships Shiva as the only deity.
The followers take their name (“lingam-wearers”) from the small representations of a lingam, a votary object symbolizing Shiva.
both the men and the women always wear hanging by a cord around their necks, in place of the sacred thread worn by most upper-caste Hindu men.

Its Doctrine and Philosophy:

Philosophically, their qualified monism and their conception of bhakti (devotion) as an intuitive and loving knowledge of God show the influence of the 11th–12th-century thinker Ramanuja.
Strongly opposed Brahmanical Hinduism.
strongly anti-Brahmanical and opposed to worship of any image other than the lingam.
Against Caste System.
Rejected Authority of Vedas.
Rejected Transmigration of soul.
It was also kind of social reform movement and supported widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.

