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HOW DO YOU LEARN TO DEAL WITH AGGRESSION? All of your feeling | Psychology 💡


All of your feelings are legitimate and legitimate, all that's left is to find a safe way to express them. So you can feel those emotions, but not hurt anyone around you.

- Use verbal forms to express anger or irritation: "I'm upset"; "It hurt me"; "I'm really angry right now.

- To express your feelings physically, but not to hit people around you, you can use objects: if you have told about your feelings, but you want to hit someone, hit something (for example, a pillow - you can yell at it), stomp your foot strongly, you can even jump up.

- What you need to remember and understand:
You are entitled to your feelings, but you need to learn to express some of them in a socially acceptable way. You can talk about your feelings, but you can't hit people. But you can resort to sports in which you can scream and fight as a discharge.

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