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10 Ways to Treat Yourself Easier Living in the modern world i | Psychology 💡

10 Ways to Treat Yourself Easier

Living in the modern world is not easy - a list of demands that we have at work, in the family, in society, is growing every day. However, this does not mean that we have to become even more demanding of ourselves, and any error or failure to perceive as something unforgivable and inadmissible.

Here are ten ways to develop a benevolent attitude toward yourself:

1. The right attitude
2. Give yourself a day off.
3. Be alone with yourself
4. Learn to say no.
5. A meditation of loving kindness
6. Take stock at the end of the day
7. Be kind to those around you
8. Be your own best friend.
9. Compliment yourself
10. Go to bed on time

Praise yourself because you, more than anyone else, deserve to be treated well.

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